Asking for a friend: I’m in a situationship with a guy but I’ve caught feelings and want us to be exclusive and he doesn’t. Will he change his mind?

‘Unrequited love sucks. It’s miserable to have feelings for someone when they just don’t see you like that.’ Photo posed

Caroline West

Q: I’ve been in this situationship with this guy for a few months, and it’s worked well until now. The issue is, I’ve caught feelings, and he doesn’t want to make things official or exclusive. I am trying to keep things the way they were, but I can’t help thinking we would make such a great couple. He just wants things to stay as they are. We have such a good connection, and our sex life is so good, so I don’t understand why he won’t just even try an exclusive relationship. All our friends say we would make a cute couple but he shrugs it off. I feel so bad and just feel like he can’t see how good it would be. I spend my time trying to figure out my feelings and daydreaming about us together, and then I feel so upset that he doesn’t want this. Is it me? Will he ever change his mind?

Dr West replies: He might change his mind. He might not. How long are you willing to wait around to see if he will?