Healthy cooking: Susan Jane White’s wholefood recipe takes the badness out of chocolate biscuit cake

New Age biscuit cake. Photo: Susan Jane White

Susan Jane White

That’s right. New Age biscuit cake has arrived. Like a software update, this biscuit cake has nothing buggy for our mainframe. In place of junked-up biscuits, you’ll find that minimally-processed oat cakes work even better. We’ve also swapped out the colossal amounts of white sugar for dried goji berries, rich dates, and condensed coconut milk. One taste will have you deliciously fixated like a kitten in a dawn chorus.

Then there’s added protein for my menopausal dames and bench pressers. We love flavourless organic whey powder by the Irish brand True Natural Goodness for taste, for quality, for sustainability, and for price. But vegans may prefer to recruit some brown rice protein powder. Either way, it’s another wholefoodie yumdinger.