Divine intervention sought for Wexford farmers as Bishop Nash prays for an end to the rain

Bishop of Ferns Ger Nash.

Pádraig Byrne
© Wexford People

With Wexford having endured biblical rainfall in recent weeks, struggling farmers are seeking assistance from a higher power in a bid to see an improvement in the weather.

Following on from a specially organised Mass in Kilrush by Fr Joseph Power to pray for an end to the relentless rainfall, Bishop of Ferns Ger Nash has also called on parishioners across the diocese to join with him in praying for favourable weather, while expressing his sympathies with “those whose work or livelihoods depend on the weather conditions”.

"God our Father, we turn to you the source of all goodness and grace,” he prayed. “We come before you with humble hearts, seeking your divine intervention in the rhythm of the seasons.

“Bless us with the favourable weather which we so badly need at this time, especially for our farming community, and all others whose livelihoods depend on it.”

Bishop Nash prayed for the “strength and perseverance” of the farming community to endure, as well as “resilience in the face of challenges”.

As well as divine intervention, calls are being made for urgent supports for farmers, after Wexford saw almost double the March long term average rainfall at Johnstown Castle for March, with a whopping 153.7mm.