10 of the best: posh picnic kits to elevate your al fresco meals

Don’t spend your summer days out sitting on an old towel and scraping food out with a plastic fork. Dine in style with our pick of the nicest blankets, baskets and serveware

We’ve rounded up the most elegant picnic kits, from blankets and baskets to dinnerware and accessories. Illustration: Shane McIntyre

Meadhbh McGrath

Summer picnic season is coming, even if it doesn’t feel like it just yet. Whether you’re heading to the beach, park or simply your own back garden, laying a fancy spread can really help to elevate your al fresco experience.

Forget the plastic cutlery, bulky containers and ratty old towels — we’ve rounded up the most elegant picnic kit, from blankets and baskets to dinnerware and accessories, for dining outdoors in style this summer.