Support for Sinn Féin and Fine Gael now level after another slump for Mary Lou McDonald’s party in latest poll

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald. Photo: Getty

Irish Independent Newsdesk

Support for Sinn Féin and Fine Gael is now level after another slump for Mary Lou McDonald’s party and a recovery for Fine Gael in recent weeks.

Support for Fianna Fáil, the Independents and other smaller parties remains steady.

This is according to the latest Irish Times/Ipsos B&A opinion poll, published in the Irish Times today.

Sinn Féin support fell by five points in total this polling period. The data suggests support has fallen most sharply among younger, urban, working-class voters.

Support had fallen six points in the same poll in February.

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When asked about a combination of parties for the next government, 33pc opted for the present Fianna Fáil-Fine Gael-Green coalition.

A total of 20pc of those polled chose a Sinn Féin led government with neither Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil involved.

Undecided voters have fallen sharply by six points to 19pc.

The poll was taken with just three weeks to the local and European elections in Ireland. Hopefuls for the local election will have to declare their candidacy by this Saturday, May 18.

The state of the parties:

Sinn Féin 23pc (down five);

Fine Gael 23pc (up four);

Fianna Fáil 20pc (no change)

Green Party 4pc (down one);

Labour 5pc (up one);

Social Democrats 3pc (down one);

Solidarity-People Before Profit 2pc (no change);

Aontú 1pc (no change).

Independents are at 17pc (no change).